Daily Archives: October 22, 2022

Already Planning 2023

It should come to no surprise to anyone that I am already planning my 2023 writing year already. As you know by now from the multiple references I make, I write a lot of these blogs in advance. A big part of this is that a lot of times after chasing my sons around all day I just do not have the energy at the end of the day to sit down and write. A lot of times I want to binge a TV show or I want to just do absolutely nothing!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

However, this year has been so incredible for me that I want to really continue the success and set myself up for building my brand. I have released 3 poetry collections with 100 poems on each. I still an in shock that I was able to even write them so swiftly and figure this all out with some help from a family friend who has published before.

One thing I have even started to do for the end of this year is SCHEDULING SOCIALS!! If a social platform gives this option (not a service to do this with I mean the actual platform) then I am using it to the full potential. I schedule these blogs ahead. I also schedule my tweets that are for blogs, tweets for my graphics that I created for the poetry collections, as well as facebook posts for the graphics for the collections also. One thing I personally find hard to see and I am sure I am not the only one, is that when you see a social profile that has little to no interactions or posts no one is going to want to follow or keep tabs on it. Normally I can do well on socials being active however I do struggle (like anyone) to be active all of the time. In particular, weekends are really hard for me to keep active. I nearly shut off my brain and can go nearly a day or two without posting.

To purchase yourself a copy of this collection of poetry brought to you by Stacey J Girard click on the photo to b brought to the page!

What I am doing for blogs is pre-writing a lot. I want to have a good majority of blogs typed. These are not subjects that are time sensitive. My idea for this is so that I can hopefully be able to do more time sensitive blogs quicker. If something happens in the world or even local that I want to write about I will be able to do it quickly! I think this will be great in reaching new people and what not. I also am recycling old blogs. One thing I have a major issue with is that I am bad at only posting a blog once it is live and leaving it into the world to hopefully be read. I am not scheduling a blog post on off days and that is hurting me. I have a lot of followers across socials and I should be using it more!

Another thing is my poetry collections. As you know based on the amount of time that I have posted about it they are very important to me for multiple reasons. It is a major career change and not an easy one to break into. I have been majorly taking the plunge into tiktok to hopefully break into some new readers there. I am also hoping to put some more things on instagram too. Break into there also. Social medias are huge. I also am working on trying to think of a few giveaways in the coming months to help grow those pages as well too. It is so very challenging though.

I really want to take 2023 in stride. For so long I have had a tough time with keeping on track and really seeing how I can make this stay at home mom thing work that I am totally focused on that. Not to mention when I have a puff at night I get distracted and that can be challenging. I am also hopeful that as 2023 comes into our worlds that I will be pregnant with our 3rd baby which will also give me a lot of free time in the evenings since as you may be familiar with when I wrote the blog about quitting weed for pregnancy here you can see that I will need to find more things to do. With Vincent and Felix I spent a lot of time sewing plastic canvas and doing art things. this time I kind of would like to do writing as a focus. And probably continuing to workout and keep active which I too need to get back into.

Even though we cannot plan the future, we can certainly try our best though to actually prep for it. Of course there will be different situations and things popping up that we don’t expect and throws us off course but it is important to remember that we do have goals as we may end up being stuck even longer than we had hoped. My hope is that by planning my year I am able to keep reaching different milestones and writing goals to hopefully, eventually, make this an actual, money making career.

Though, I should say, that I also have next to nothing in terms of marketing so I really need to try and prepare myself for the year not only by doing certain things but also by trying to learn as I go. Maybe some time in the future I will try my best to take a few marketing courses even, however it can be challenging to say the least! Those things are something that does cost money, but I think with the right planning and a bunch of determination I should be able to reach each and every milestone!