Monthly Archives: September 2020


Sponsorships are great, they are part of a lot of streamers and creators lives. Whether they be a tech company, food or drink products and whatever else. Finding the right sponsorship for you and one that you enjoy or use regularly is insanely challenging at times. Not to mention you have to have some type of community for a company to even begin to be interested in sponsoring you! If you have a few friends and not a whole lot of people behind you than it can be tricky to even get looked at. However if you have a great presence over social medias it may be a bit easier since you will have a much larger reach!

Looking for a sponsorship can be a headache if you aren’t sure what you should be looking for. I think the biggest difficulty that someone can have is finding a) the right company for YOU and b) making sure you have enough reach in order to make this sponsorship successful! I myself have an alright reach on Twitter however it really is hit or miss. I don’t want to go for a sponsorship if I am unsure if I am able to really pull my own weight so to speak with a product. I want to make sure that I can be a good fit for the company and they are able to have new customers through me.

I think this almost goes without saying but I will say it anyways. If you are NOT using a product DO NOT GET A SPONSORSHIP. Nothing is more strange then seeing someone promote a product or company that they are obviously making money with and they are not even using the product. This pop, I love Coca-cola. I would even prefer it over Pepsi. However, for example, Pepsi offers me a sponsorship and for whatever reason I take it. Whether it is good money, free things, etc. But I continue to drink Coca-cola the rival of the company that I am sponsored with (Which most times is in a contract that you NOT do) and then I screw myself over and the company by not really enjoying the product. Not to mention, From a viewer standpoint it looks extremely strange if they see and know I am a Coke fan if all of sudden I am now pushing Pepsi at them. Not to mention if you have said some not so nice things about the opposite company it looks equally suspicious. Within streaming people joke about being a “Sell out”, You know playing games you normally wouldn’t for a buck or what not. This is like the ULTIMATE sell out when you are sponsored by a product that you have trash talked and not liked.

Making money or something out of is always something you want to ask yourself. Is it worth it? We all know if you remotely use twitter and are in the streaming world the particular “Grip” for controllers that seem to sponsor everyone and their dog. What are the people promoting the product REALLY getting out of this? Not a whole lot. I checked out their stats and it couldn’t be much lower. If you are going to get a sponsor and promote their product make sure it is worth your time and energy as well as your reach. For example: We all see Elgato out there with sending their people products. You can tell when they have the #Ad (More on that later) in their tweets or social posts. Whether it be a new larger stream deck or even a new light. Do they get paid by this? Maybe if they have an affiliate link that they are able to direct their viewers to when purchasing the products. But they do receive the free products. Which I am also sure there is a certain amount of posts every so often in a contract that they promote such product!

And finally #Ad. We all have seen this in promotion tweets and if you do happen to get a sponsor or something YOU MUST DO THIS. Besides all the ethical things happening you want to be as transparent ass possible with your community and audience that this is a paid/etc promotion and you are not simply doing this out of the goodness in your own heart. You probably have even seen a few people with paid sponsorships get in trouble with their communities by NOT putting the #Ad in their posts as well too. It is extremely important to be transparent with this to your viewers or it can again, Come off a bit scummy. Not to mention, If you are getting paid to promote something and you are making it look like you are just enjoying the product it can take away from your credibility as an influencer and could even effect your future with companies! Which is never a good thing to have happen.

So as you can see, Having a sponsorship is great! Just make sure you are actually getting something out of it and you aren’t doing it for the “sake of doing it”. Don’t promote something that you have no intention of using yourself. And if at all possible, Before you get a sponsorship especially for food and drink, TRY IT OUT! If the company is not willing to send you samples of this for you to test out before you sign up, chances are they are not confident in their product and you may want to think again before taking this opportunity. It would look pretty silly if GFuel gave sponsorships to people without being willing to send samples along the way right? Look at the people who post the new flavors to try out with their #Ad! This is not only a way for them to get a bit of a perk but a great way to make the general public aware of their latest product! As for me, I will be waiting for a Tim Horton’s or a Candy sponsorship to arrive!


Twitch, They continuously miss the mark.. Time and time again.

I think its safe to say that people who know of the streaming community can agree that twitch is dropping the ball in terms of their many misses in recent months. From their emote add ones to running ads in the most absolutely wrong way, here is some specific things as well as suggestions from the community. Just because Twitch is the biggest streaming platform whose rival appears to be YouTube gaming OR Facebook who recently worked to get their Partners free from some DMCA claims, the way Twitch is NOT handling situations is really making them stand out for all the wrong reasons.

First let’s begin with their ever so invasive ads that would essentially force the streamer to either run them on their own or be forced for a picture in picture experience for the viewer. Why is this bad because they happen at the most inopportune times for the streamer, From beating a boss or an epic kill in a battle royale game, it really is not helping the viewer experience in any way, shape, or form.

A particular streamer is also not happy with these ads and rightfully so. Quiltoni is a quilter and educator on the platform. While streaming and running a family friendly PG stream twitch decided (Or whatever the algorithm is) to run a Trojan (Condom) Ad during this time. This is a detrimental part of their stream due to the fact that it can and is broadcast in quilting supply stores as quoted by;
“They also may have just killed my relationship with a store that has me live.”
Quiltoni also mentioned that their channel does not have the 18+ (Mature Audience) Filter on either. However by having that type of system in place Twitch can use that to help filter ads that can be damaging to a streamers channel. And I couldn’t agree more. If Twitch is going to force ads on the streamers we should at least have a say in what type of ads are shown on their also. An 18+ channel would be better suited for the beer and condom ads instead of a family friendly stream for other types of things.
( You can find their twitter here for all links: )

Then there was the emote add-ons by twitch to celebrate the Hispanic Community on the platform which was met with IMMEDIATE backlash due to their extremely stereotypical designs. Now, I myself am a White Female and have never been met with racism before therefore I obviously am not going to speak on that. However I will say this, Why is it that it took a community backlash to prevent/remove these from being released? How many people did this particular change have to go through in order to have them approved? I feel like as a company as large as Twitch or even Amazon that there are some obvious marks about cultural appropriation that have been missed here. Why are people not informed on these particular issues OR better yet, why was the community not all asked on what they think could be a great way to start in terms of adding content to the platform that showcases this.

I also would like to mention that after year and year and year on the platform why has the support system not been updated? The ticket system is flawed at best and there is 0 live support for something that might be needed such as the hate raids that have been popping up in streams more and more frequently. This is where particular streams are targeted with bots or actual people and spamming hate speech where the mods are banning and constantly trying to rectify the situation and making chat safe again. There still are MANY MANY user names that are coming out and “beating the system” so to speak with their way of being written so that they are still allowed in chat. I feel like as a company there should be better ways to make this change happen to prevent so many names from being allowed on the platform. This would go along the lines of why are people who are banned from the channel still able to search and view the channel? (This was mentioned by a tweeter saying that Mixer when it was live actually had a feature that you could not see a channel had you been banned from it). Let along do we need to talk about view bots and how they are still around the platform CONTINUOUSLY!

I think the most frustrating thing from a streamer perspective is that Twitch as a company appears to be a) all about money (as most large company’s do), b) They appear to be more and more about “Smoke and Mirrors” in terms of trying to make it seem like they want the community involved when they really arent involved at all. Case and point would be when they wanted to bring a diverse group together as part of this Safety Counsel however all it was doing was to protect the company by creating policies, Oh and did I forget to mention how one prominent member thought they would go on a bit of a rant about how they were protected from anything and were near “God-Like” due to being on this counsel.

As for streaming asking for things something as seemingly simple as discoverability for the content creators on the platform Twitch doesn’t really do a whole lot their. They took away the “Communities” feature and decided to go with tags which is still again, extremely challenging to find up and coming creators. Why is something that could greatly benefit the streamer community as a whole something on the back burner or not even thought of?

Should we even mention the Sub-tember that focuses on new subscribers and not old ones. I get it, From a marketing perspective you want to bring new viewers in to subscribe for you to make money, And the people who continually sub already will keep doing so, But why not please both? Is that a difficult task to do? Or is it still about money here?

Not to mention, Kudos to Twitch for doing SOMETHING among the sexual abuse accusations that are happening. My only thing is I believe they should be more transparent with what is happening here. They are banning permanently people who have a lot of evidence for them and the crimes that they have committed. They have taken the accusations towards people seriously. I do believe that people are slipping under the radar because they are “bigger” streamers and pulling in viewers. Not to mention their viewers are also harassing the people who have proof and accusing them. The fact they are doing things I will say is progress for sure. Especially for such a delicate issue.

I guess as you can tell there really is some major flaws with Twitch and the direction that they are going. When it comes to listening to the streamers across the platform they really aren’t doing a whole lot to keep them around or offering anything more that other platforms are now. I hope that they do see this and the suggestions and work towards trying to make Twitch a safer place. Also Twitch, Remember, Just because you may be the leading platform in streaming currently, Doesn’t mean that you are going to stay there OR that you can and should slack on what the greater community would like to see.


Things no one tells you after giving birth

Having a baby can be a super stressful time, Believe me, I was there. Not that long ago. In fact, the goal is to even go back there once my boyfriend and I find out we are moving back home to Nova Scotia (And a third time too!). However, There is a lot of things that no one talks about when giving birth and had it not been for a few friends who have been having kids a lot longer than myself or a friend who has a son who is 2 months older than my own telling me these things I would have had no idea some of these things. Sure you get the books and read them but do you REALLY read them? I know I skipped through pages near the end so you aren’t alone. Here is some things that stuck out to me.

Stairs Suck! When I was in the hospital I was on like the 2nd or 3rd floor. I never once took the stairs until I arrived home. We took the elevator and that was basically all. Well let me tell you, It was CRAZY the amount of pain you have when you have to walk up the stairs. I had about 5 or so stairs going into my house and our bedrooms were on the top floor which was another 10. No one ever said that your whole legs and butt we’re going to have this weird pain for a while as you walked up them. Thinking back I guess I could have said that would be the case since you know, You did just have a baby come out of down there but it was something I never read about or even thought about at all until I had to go home and walk up the stairs myself.

This next part might have been my own oversight, But DAMN do you ever bleed. Think basically a super period that lasts for an ACTUAL month straight. Some people may have known this I suppose but this was actually insane for me. Not to mention you are unable to wear tampons for this journey, you have no choice but to wear pads. And let me stress this enough, You can NEVER have enough pads and make sure they are maxi and the highest absorbance ever. I didn’t even use a pad in the first 2 days I was there per say as I was using the hospital ones that was basically 4 times the size of a normal one. That was mostly as a second layer. Then I used them at home which is extremely large amount. Thankfully with Covid 19, I didn’t really leave the house. Also don’t forget the “Water Bottle” That you need to fill with warm water and have it run over you as you .. ya know go to the bathroom.. so that it doesn’t hurt your down there when you go to pee. Something no one mentions until you actually have to go to the bathroom that’s for sure. Thankfully I never really tore anywhere so that wasn’t really a concern for me. At least with this baby anyways! A friend of mine had recently said that they discovered adult diapers and said they were a life saver and wished that she had them for her other kids. Me, I don’t think I can go that route because mentally I cannot fathom changing the diaper of my new baby and my own diaper. Pad’s or not I just cannot picture myself being in that situation.

Breastfeeding is not easy and is normally pressured to new moms. I started and stopped after a few days and I will probably put that in another blog later about my story for it. They make breastfeeding look so easy on movies and TV shows that it really isn’t easy at all. You have to make sure your baby is latching properly, that they are getting enough to drink, for me it was extremely stressful and when we were in the hospital for 48 hours due to my son having jaundice and a slight heart murmur (That went away thankfully!) it was stressing me out whether or not he was drinking enough. And then when we came home, being up by myself I felt alone and my Boyfriend wanted to be more involved also. It just did not feel right for us. Will we try it again with a second baby? Maybe. But if it doesn’t workout it doesn’t workout. You have people who will be snobby towards you and pressure you into breastfeeding because that is apparently the best way when in reality the mindset should be fed is best. Especially nurses in the hospital can make you feel this way. My friend who had decided with her partner that they wanted to do formula from the beginning. She also felt the pressures of this. I can tell you one thing though, if with baby number 2 we do end up breastfeeding straight through, there is absolutely no way I will be breastfeeding when the baby is over the age of 1.5 MAX or if we are pregnant with baby number 3. Imagine, having a 2 year old drinking your milk while a new born is also there. That is insane to me!

Hospital bag is pretty standard I would say. There is plenty of resources online and lists you can check out. For me I think the biggest things was a phone charger since we live away from my family this was great to keep in touch. Another would be snacks. They don’t provide any really only meals. Mind you, if you are picky like me this was a really big deal and if you end up having an epidural than you cannot have any food. We never had to deal with that as it was so fast with my son. If you have a tablet or even a laptop though with some DVDs (In case the hospital doesn’t have WiFi) then I would bring that too. I used that on my phone to put some shows from Netflix on since the hospital didn’t have WiFi and where I was home for the time before I had my son I had plenty of data so there was no charges thankfully, but it was great when I was overnight in the hospital and my boyfriend was home with the dog.

And lastly, and certainly not least. Formula is FLIPPING expensive. Normally when people talk about babies and what have you they talk about diapers being super expensive and blah blah blah. Wrong, Formula is super expensive! Funny enough we started by using the brand Similac. You would think it would be fine as it was one of the most popular brands or well known at least. We found it was making our son constipated though. Which was not good. I would push and have himself throw up or formula come out of his nose. It was strange. We talked to a few friends and they all were on basically store brand ones. One of them even recommended us to use the Walmart brand, Parents Choice I think. The difference was incredible. He was fine on the store bought brand AND it was 10$ cheaper as well. Needless to say we started using that one. For baby number two if we do go the formula side we for sure will be starting with that one as well too.

As you can see there are some things that people really don’t tell you about having a baby. I’m sure there will be a lot more as the time rolls around for baby number 2. Or even 3 when that happens as well. And hopefully you maybe learned something interested for your own pregnancy or even your spouses!


Covid Blows

Before I begin know that this is strictly my opinions and thoughts. A lot of people say 2020 sucks, though there are aspects that I am not a fan of, there is a lot of things as that I am thankful for. The birth of my son, health, and happiness. I also am saddened that as I write this in the car on my tablet my 6 month old son is on his way with us to meet his grandparents (one set anyways!) for the 1st time, AT 6 MONTHS OLD! (Mind you this is also being published a bit later since I tend to write blogs a bit in advance!) But safety first when dealing with covid and the health of our older family members. We just cannot take that risk for them OR for Vincent (Myself too I guess since I am asthmatic too)

I am bummed that I am unable to go Into my son’s doctor’s appointments. Part of this is because our doctor is French and I just do not have the skills that are needed to understand or ask the questions I would like to. My boyfriend is bilingual so it just makes sense that he goes in. I do get to write questions down though and he asks the doctor which is great. And I do go in the car and just wait outside for them to be done. Honestly it is the least I can do really. But to not have been to any of his vaccines either which is a bummer too, as a new mom I feel like I should be there for the cuddles and wiping of tears. I feel like I am missing these important moments but am relieved that my significant other has taken so much time off of work to go to these things with me.

Another thing that I am grateful that here my boyfriend was able to take 9 months paternity to be home. I think if he was back to work with his type of work and being around people it would have been more stressful. I think him being able to get our grocery and errands (I am at risk with having asthma) that if the rules were reversed and I had to do these things with the baby I would be not in a good place mentally. I don’t think with baby number 2 he will take the full 9 months off maybe 5 or so but still the welcomed help is always appreciated!

I think it sucks that Quebec was a bit rough on their precautions in the beginning as in they took a while to put rules in place. Now you must wear a mask in all public spaces that are indoors. Or certain arrows in grocery store show directions also. I think in the big scheme of things I am a bit saddened that we aren’t in the “Atlantic Bubbles” where the Atlantic provinces are able to freely come and go so my mom or dad aren’t able to come over to meet their littlest grandson. However my mom has said when flying is allowed or not as frowned upon she said she would be flying over since she does have the air miles! Which is something to look forward to also.

One thing I would never want to do is wish time away. Time is one of the most precious things that we can give to someone or have for ourselves. However, I cannot wait til we move back to Nova Scotia. I am excited for us to buy a new forever house and have our own space that we can paint and decorate as much or whatever way we wanted to do. My hope is that covid has not made this delayed anymore the it needed to be. I just want to have our space basically again.

I think the hardest thing is the virus is preventing us from showing off our son to people. Call it selfish or conceited but who wouldn’t want to show off their child to their friends and family, I hope that this covid stuff is pretty cleared up soon so we can prep for a return back home, (Did I mention how excited we are to be going back home!).

I also will say going out in public is something I was super nervous about. Since March actually I never went into a place til about June. And for this it was an eye appointment. Wearing a mask was super odd but it wasn’t bad. Then recently I went to do a little retail therapy to the dollarstore. My boyfriend said it was the best 250.00 he spent. It was so surreal going with arrows on the floor and also following the social distancing but I had went early in the morning so it was super easy anyways. Even before Covid I tend to go do things as soon as they open) Depending on the store of course or day of the week) So that the least amount of people are around. Interesting enough the people not following the rules are older folks who are typically more at risk. They kind of just walk all willy nilly and go where ever they want to.

I don’t think overall that covid really impacted us in a sense though. My partner and I are very much home bodies so for us to stay home is not a major stretch from reality. And though us being I the same space for days and days is a lot to deal with I think we are doing good if we haven’t killed one another yet hahaha. It just is a bummer that the things I took for granted like going to the pharmacy for tampons, corner store for chocolate, dollarstore for art supplies, I am not really able to do as much but things seem to be settling down which is a good thing of course though.

People think that this is a new normal, maybe for now but I think once a vaccine is produced or we eradicate the virus we will be back to normal life. And if anything, it taught us to stay the hell away from others!

-StaySee xo

YouTube Adventure.. Send Help!

YouTube can be stressful. From thumbnails to clips to help promote your video on twitter, editing, recording, etc. For someone like me I felt it was something I would hold off on. Though I know that to grow on twitch you have to plant the content seeds on other platforms to drive traffic to your channel. I’m slowly figuring out with the help of some reading and thing from a streamer AshnieChrist that it is important to go into! Here is my thought process to taking this plunge.

What do I make videos of?
I have a 6 month old so something easy would be great. I wanted to start with 2 types of videos. One more of a help or thoughts focused on streaming where I take blogs I have written here and bring them to video in a series I’d like to call “Backseat Blogger” Things I have learned or things that I have thought about the industry. I will be going more into games once I start doing more gaming or dead by daylight blogs. That will be one type of video. The next type of video will be something I like to call “baked beauty” where I smoke weed and do funny makeup videos and things while baked. Thirdly I was thinking about doing a video when I have enough clips a series in Dead by Daylight where I am jump scared multiple times, this is more of a “when available” basis because I need to have enough clips per killer to make that. Plus the occasional fun games like no headsets which can be used on my channel for redeeming channel points.

When do I want to upload?
I want to upload at least 2x per week Mondays will be my backseat blogger videos. And then the “Baked Beauty” will be coming out on “Fr-HIGH-days hahaha.. see what I did there. Then the dead by daylight content will be out on Wednesdays when Available. Same with compilations for The Society, they will be once a month as well when enough clips get put in discord.

When do I record?
The Backseat blogger ones are easier in a sense. As soon as my son has a nap I can hit record and have a blog turned video entry ready to be edited. That is the simple part of recording. However what I did last time was I recorded about 4 videos in the span of an hour or so one evening and then I have them ready to be edited which I can do on the fly when I am free of housework or when the little fella is sleeping for a nap. Baked Beauty I normally record on Fridays or Thursdays or even Saturday night after my son went to bed because I am able to have puff. Before there are judging eyes since I am a parent there is one person sober in the house (My Boyfriend) who is able to take care of things if things happened. Those are harder to edit because I am hilarious and I don’t know what to cut haha.

How the heck do I edit?
Slowly. I edit slowly. I have never edited videos IN MY LIFE! Seriously, NEVER! I use a program called Divinci Resolve. It is a free software with a paid version as well and I edit them on that. It is a lot to learn from someone like me but with the help of YouTube tutorials I am able to do a quick search with a step by step process on how to do what I want. I typically also edit when my son is sleeping. And as I do more videos it is getting a bit quicker or I will be editing during Community Hangouts on Thursdays as a bit of downtime to connect with other society members!

What is the hardest parts so far?
I would say editing and recording. I knew that I wanted to be fully prepped for when I started youtube. One of the hardest things I think in any content creation is having the ability to plan and schedule things while being consistent. No one really follows someone who has never posted or when they do it is all over the place and not consistent. My boyfriend and I used to watch someone named Ray William Johnson, He had a show called Equals 3 when he would go through a few youtube videos per week or every other day or whatever. We watched him religiously. Then he stopped. Just like that. And we never looked back. Unless you can be consistent you cannot or will not see growth in my opinion. I think I have a pretty good handle on this to be able to do it properly AND even maybe bank some youtube videos so that I am able to have some relief. I dont want to spend a lot of time editing and recording and things but with the plan I have in place it seems to be going well.

Before I finish I will say this, AshniChrist (I know I talk about her a lot!) recently has had a YouTube FREE training session in her discord. She has VOD links and a few other things in there. I will be adding the link here so you can feel free to check it out. She is even offering a course in how to do YouTube better. She basically solidified that I am on the right path for my plan for YouTube. If I didn’t have a son and was regularly working I would be probably signing up for the course but due to limited funds I just am not in the financial position to do so. Discord here:

When it comes to investing in education to make yourself set up for success or learning new things about an industry that you love, DO IT! If you are financially able to of course, You would if you were trying to become a doctor or nurse, the same applies for content creation too!

Happy Creating and Good Luck! (Myself included!)

-StaySee xo

September Update

It has been a very long time, and for that I’m sorry. Sometimes life gets in the way! And I’ll be blunt, I just did not want to be live or focus on creating content. We all get in those moods or feelings and honestly, for me anyways, it is a lot easier for me to NOT go live then it is to click live and not give a proper amount of energy. I owe you all that. When I click like and I just am “Not feeling it” it really creates a

September is going to be HUGE! I will be planning to bring new things Into the stream as well as bringing things back also I think we have a solid stream schedule that has worked for the most part in August that I am finally happy with it!

Stream schedule is this now:
Sunday 2.5 hours
Monday 2.5 hours
Tuesday 2.5 hours
Wednesday 2.5 hours

Time is tricky for me when having a 6 month old. Trying to get regular hours is more attainable for me. Ideally I would just like to be live 2.5 hours a night which is approximately 10 hours a week. MOST days I am on between 730pm-10pm. It really depends on when my son settles and can relax and fall asleep. Though mind you the longer he takes to fall asleep or fuss the less motivated or energize I am to stream! Which I am working on. One of my problems is that if I don’t think I can stream for the 2.5 hours I would rather cancel which I shouldn’t be. A 1.5 hour stream is better then cancelling all the time! I just need to tell me brain that! It comes from a part of me that slightly is OCD about times and things and I become obsessed with an all or nothing perspective. I shouldn’t think this way because not everyone can be there 110% of the time. Streaming can take a lot and trying to make this work with a new baby is challenging to say the least!

WE ARE BRINGING BACK ART STREAMS!!! Can you tell I’m excited?! This is one thing that I really missed. They were a chilled time to connect with YOU the viewer or reader. They will be still on Sunday, and at night as apposed to the mornings. They will be called “Set-up Success Sunday’s”. This is when we chill, I do some art live and we talk about the week ahead. Anyone is encouraged to come and tell me big plans and goals! My life is my son and family and I would like to hear yours! Got a job interview coming up? Let’s chat! Family problems got you down? Spill the beans! Excited for a wedding or arrival of a baby? I am all ears! Sunday’s are for us and setting ourselves up for success! If you just want a place to veg out and relax you are more then welcome to lurk and hang out as well too! Talking is not obligated!

Monday’s will be our typical Dead by Daylight streams. Nothing new there!

Tuesday’s we will be bringing back COMMUNITY GAMES!! I will announce this in discord when I wake up Tuesday mornings, if people would like to join they can comment,and when stream starts then I will tag them individually so they know to be ready. The only thing is we all must be on push to talk.this makes it a lot easier if multiple people are streaming at once and we arent talking over everyone either. Which can get a bit taxing!

Wednesday’s are just like Monday’s regular Dead by Daylight games!

We also will be having a community hangout on Discords Thursday evenings for anywhere from a hour to 2 hours while I edit some videos for youtube which we are also launching too! But I will talk more about that next blog.

These release days are no longer Monday’s and Thursdays but they will be Tuesday and Saturdays. With YouTube videos released every Monday and Friday guaranteed with occasional Dead by daylight content on Wednesdays if I have enough clips for a video!

Weight loss has been going well. Though as I write this on Aug 26th (few days earlier) then release date I have been majorly slacking. I am still down anywhere from 10 to 12 pounds though which is huge. I just need to do better with monitoring my calories. And continue to workout. My medium term goal is to be under 210lbs by January 1st 2021. I can do it but it will be hard! And if you want to help there is some new channel points in the stream to help stay moving! And yes there is a limit, I think if there wasn’t I would be exhausted from you guys trying to push my limits (which I appreciate!).

Though I am struggling I have a new planner coming on Wednesday which I am excited to finally be able to keep track of content and life in one place. No more re-writing things and buying new scribblers because I slip up a bit. One of my biggest things I think is structure. Having a baby and no job it is seriously hard to have structure and I think I am lacking. I need to have some sort of schedule for life as much as I can to feel some normal life. Streaming, content creating, editing, growth, life and behind the scenes. stuff like that. I want to make this being at home mom work and make some sort of an income but to do that can be quite challenging when you have to care for a child who doesn’t exactly have a schedule and even if he did it would change as usual!

Hopefully next time I am writing this I am down a few more pounds at least the ones I gained back, and have a better handle on how to do this thing we call life!

-StaySee xo

PS: Prep for some dramatic blog posts coming up!